Scrap Metal Recycling for Minnesota Government and Non-Profits
As a full-service scrap metal buyer in the Minneapolis St. Paul metro area, Leder Brothers Metal Company provides metal recycling services for a wide range of governmental and non-profit organizations. Recovering the value of metal scrap is a high priority in today’s economy with environmental concerns being always important to these organizations. Strict accountability and close oversight makes it important to trust metal recycling programs to reliable partners for all of these organizations. With 100 years of history in providing full service to the metal recycling needs of organizations large and small, we’re proud to be a Minnesota leader in buying and processing metals of all types. We can assist all of the following organizations and more with all of their scrap metal value recovery needs:
- Publicly Owned Utilities – Water companies, municipal electric utilities and other public utility companies can trust our top-rated Twin Cities scrap yard to handle all of their scrap metal recycling needs. Contact us with your needs.
Street & Road Departments – From aluminum signs and standards to parking meters, street lighting equipment and other metal scrap, our recycling service company pays best prices for scrap metal. We can also recycle roadside metal debris brought to us.
- Parks & Recreation Departments – Our Minneapolis scrap metal company will recycle all metals generated from your operations, from fencing materials to castings used in seating. We also recycle aluminum in all forms.
- Fleet Operations – Like any vehicle maintenance facility, these operations generate quantities of scrap metals that need recycling. Sorting and collecting metal scrap from repairs and other operations is simple and cost-effective.
- Facilities Departments – Operating the many buildings for cities, towns, and other governmental agencies creates metal scrap. Recycling metal furniture and other equipment and instituting a recycling program for metal waste is an environmentally sound policy.
Law Enforcement Departments – Scrap metal from police and sheriff’s operations can include everything from recovered property to scrap generated at firing ranges.
- Solid Waste Collection Departments – Despite active consumer recycling programs, municipal and other trash collection departments deal with quantities of scrap metal from time to time. Recycling through us can recover value from these materials. In addition, community clean-up programs are another source of metal scrap.
- Education Departments – During the course of a year’s operation, a surprising amount of scrap metal is created by schools. Call on our recycling facility in Minneapolis to recover value from this material.
- Non-Profit Organizations – A wide range of non-profit organizations can benefit from recycling their scrap metals instead of simply disposing of them in local landfills. Bring them to our facility and receive their scrap value.
In Minnesota, Scrap Metal Recycling Benefits Everyone
At our centrally located scrap metal processing facility in Minneapolis, keeping valuable metal resources from overloading local landfills is part of our mission. For any organization, commercial, governmental or non-profit, recycling scrap metal waste for money is a great way to recover the value of otherwise unusable material. All metals have value as scrap and wasting that value by simply discarding the material is wasteful and harmful to the environment. Call Leder Brothers Metal Company to discuss your organizations metal waste. We’ll be happy to show you how to turn it into funds you can use within your organization.